Transformative Wellness Journeys
Discover the powerful impact of our unique services through the stories of our clients.
Success Stories
Discover How We've Transformed Lives
Step into the world of transformative wellness with our diverse range of case studies. Here, you’ll find firsthand accounts of individuals who’ve embarked on their own journeys towards improved health and vitality, utilizing our unique wellness services.
From alleviating chronic pain with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to achieving total body detoxification with HOCATT, each story showcases the potential for personal growth and wellbeing. Explore these inspiring stories and discover how MyWellbeing can guide you towards your own health transformation.
Wellness Transformation at MyWellbeing
A Picture of Health:
Before and After.
Dive into the tangible impact of our wellness programs. Pictured below are the live blood images of a 67-year-old man before and two weeks into his tailored wellness program at MyWellbeing. The clear improvements in his health are a testament to the efficacy of our holistic approaches.

Before MyWellbeing: A Struggle with Wellness
Here’s a dry blood sample image of a 67-year-old man before starting his wellness journey with MyWellbeing.
You can see signs of imbalance and health challenges, which were impacting his quality of life.

After MyWellbeing: A Remarkable Transformation
This is a follow-up dry blood sample taken after the man’s comprehensive wellness program at MyWellbeing.
Notice the profound change, indicative of improved vitality and health, showing the positive impact of our personalized approach to wellness.

After MyWellbeing: A Remarkable Transformation
For far too many years I have felt stuck at the bottom of the deepest of pits. I was full of despair, depression, fatigue, hopelessness and anxiety. Trips to my GP became all too regular as did my ever-increasing pile of medications. I didn’t even know who I was anymore, I was some legally drugged up, early 40’s mum plodding through an existence.
Looking up out of this dark deep pit, I could barely see a glint of light. There was an old ladder running up the side of it, but I needed the strength to pull myself up onto it. I hadn’t had the strength, energy or the inclination to do so for such a long while, after several failed earlier attempts.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has ruled my life for over 20 years. Health issues from 10 years old.
It wasn’t until my mother saw a flyer at a gathering she was at, that we even knew cell wellbeing testing was a thing, and that I could get tested locally.
So of course, I got tested, and next thing you know, I met John, and my relationship with the team was formed.
What an enlightening experience it was, and after several months of doing what John suggested, I realised one day that I wasn’t so tired. Slowly I was feeling better, bit by bit, day by day. There was finally a golden ray of sunshine shining through my darkness at the bottom of my pit.
The fatigue is subsiding, my hair is growing back, my skin looks great, I’ve lost weight, gained confidence. I have my memory back, I can read, I can have conversations with people without stopping mid-sentence lost as to what or who was even talking. Best of all, I am an interactive mum again!
It wasn’t easy, but life got easier. I managed to get on that ladder and scale up those rungs, sometimes up a few and down one or two before continuing up, but I got to the top and haven’t got close to going back for well over a year. I’m now once again a more active member of my family and community, and am now studying a diploma in health and wellness. I’m the best me that I have been in such a long time! Happier and getting healthier and stronger with thanks to the best coach and team ever! Love you guys!
- Helen Dickson
Struggles with PTSD
Some years ago on advice of a friend I went to the Global Health Clinic for help on my mental health problems. I suffer from PTSD- post traumatic stress disorder, which in turn, caused me digestion and other problems.
John Coombs and his team of experts have supported me over the years to cope with my PTSD problems.
At the Global Health Clinic, I attend regular sessions with the various health experts, like Hester Scott, who is an Ecology & Living System Strategist, for Psych K, Dr Laura Edman, Neurological Integration System Specialist, Dr Jeejo, Fiona Rutland, and Sonia Clark, who are all Holistic wellbeing specialists.
Recently I also followed a four week Mindful and Meditation course with Wimal, which was very helpful,
I am an 85 year old father and grandfather who not only suffered from PTSD as a child during WWII but I suffered even more mental damage caused by corrupt organisations in my homeland, Holland, whom were by law supposed to have assisted me in finding a peaceful and worry free life.
Instead they have caused me twenty-four years of extra grief. The fantastic people at Global Health Clinics have so far kept me alive.